Data flows related to employment and training are mainly made up of ads, private companies' data and public open source data released through internet.

In fact, the size of these data streams keeps growing over the time. However, we can ask ourserlves if job-seekers do really benefit from it. And what about governements and public institutions? Is it useful to them at the same level?

When job opportunities are published, it is necessary to react quickly. Altough it is not a real time use case, one must bear in mind that this kind of data evolves daily in huge proportions.

By enabling organizations to find creative and smart link between these streams, it would be possible to extract relevant information from huge amount of streams and to convey structured dashboard third parties.

The data flows could irrigate WAVES platform and prediction algorithms in order to reduce the duration of unemployment, increase the number of comparisons, improve qualification and training. The user of such a platform is typically the french public orgnization in charge of employment.

The users are the URSAFF, Unedic, INSEE, trade unions, agencies of temporary employment...Social impacts are mainly related to the labor market.