Sylviculture and wood-paper sector must cope with difficulties. In Aquitaine, first wooded region of Western Europe and first cultivated forest in France, 44% of the territory is covered by the solid mass forester. If the effects of the 1999 storm were reabsorbed, harvests and sawmills have decreased significantly.

This fast development is partly explained by the globalization of the exchanges and the decrease of supply in raw material. However, the potential is considerable and the durable exploitation of the forests' resources can create, in France, 300.000 job opportunities. We can also mention that this business can generate several billion euros to the owners.
Prototypes (in particular in England) made it possible to provide the foundations of a forestry holding using satellites' data. The streams that should be analyzed could amount to several petabytes, therefore summary techniques used by WAVES plateform seem to be useful.
Linking these streams to terrestrial data sources (inventories, statements...) and a geolocation (standard precision lower than 15m), it is perfectly realistic to consider that WAVES could be used by the foresters on the ground. Personalized summary flows can be classified according to criteria (various actors, different purposes...).
Crossings data flows can be a powerful impetus for partnerships on the ground. The reasoning on the data can structure a follow-up.
The users are all the actors of the wood sector. Social impact are related to sustainable development and revalorization of the french wood sector.